Content Creators

We work with a number of high-profile and indie clients, exclusively in and around the video game space. This includes leading PC manufacturers, accessory companies, video game publishers, developers and a number of great-cause charities. 

We try very hard not to reach out to you with a news item that isn't a fit. Since some content creators are open to all kinds of gaming- or tech-related news, while others are very particular and rarely wander outside their specific focus area. So that we can do the best possible job of reaching out with news as well as preview and review opportunities (and minimize bugging you when it's not a fit), please help us by sharing your coverage interests with us

We only require your full mailing address if you are interested in physical products as well. However, since we sometimes work with select clients only in certain territories, it helps us tremendously if you can confirm/provide your country. If you are interested in invites to launch events and local press events, having your city, state/province and country information is also helpful.

NOTE: If you are NOT a content creator (Twitch, YouTube, etc.), i.e. a traditional online, print, TV or radio editor, please use this form to sign up instead:

IMPORTANT: We will safeguard and will never sell or disclose your personal information. We will only send you the minimum amount of and most relevant emails per your preferences. At any time you may modify these preferences or, if you wish, be permanently removed from our list. Please review our full privacy rules, which were updated on May 24, 2018, in compliance with GDPR requirements.
* indicates required
Check "Yes" if interested in pre-release news under embargo, i.e. you won't stream it until a coordinated date in the future.

UberStrategist Inc. will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide news and information about our video game industry clients. In rare cases of urgent news or press event coordination, we may wish to call you. Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us: